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All Rules in Dynamic Magic Item Creation

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Base Challenges

Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 181
The following two challenges bookend the dynamic magic item creation process. Preparing the vessel is always the first challenge, and completing the item is always last.

Prepare the Vessel

You must create or prepare an item to handle the magic you intend to instill within it.


Forge a New Vessel Craft (item’s type) DC 15 + item’s caster level
Mystical Preparations Spellcraft DC 15 + item’s caster level


Critical Success You have a superlative and efficient vessel. Set the base cost at 75% of the market price, and set the item’s creation time to 1 day per 2,000 gp of the item’s market price.
Success You have a satisfactory vessel. Set the base cost at 85% of the market price, and set the item’s creation time to 1 day per 1,000 gp of the item’s market price.
Failure You have a flawed vessel. Set the base cost at 100% of the market price, set the item’s creation time to 1 day per 500 gp of the item’s market price, and add one flaw.
Critical Failure The vessel is destroyed.

Complete the Item

You put the finishing touches on the item.


Improvise Use Magic Device DC 15 + item’s caster level
Provide the Requirements Meet all the item’s prerequisites


Critical Success You complete the item with a masterful flourish. Reduce the item’s cost by 10%.
Success You have completed the item.
Failure The item is destroyed.
Critical Failure